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Disclaimer: is not an official reseller of the brandnames shown above. The placed logo's are explicit used as a text replacement and do belong to the justified owners.
Seller : Japan Carparts V.O.F., the user of these General Terms and Conditions;
Buyer : the Seller’s counterparty, the customer;
Agreement : the agreement between the Seller and the Buyer.
Article 2 General
2.1These General Terms and Conditions will apply to every offer and agreement between the Seller and the Buyer, to the extent that these Terms and Conditions have not expressly been deviated from by the parties in writing.
2.2The current Terms and Conditions will also apply to all agreements with the Seller for the performance of which the Seller uses the services of third parties.
2.3The applicability of the Buyer’s general terms and conditions is hereby explicitly excluded, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing. In the event that the parties’ general terms and conditions are both applicable, the provisions of the Seller’s General Terms and Conditions will prevail in the event of any contrariety between the provisions of the Seller’s General Terms and Conditions and the provisions of the Buyer’s.
2.4In the event that the Seller concludes agreements with the Buyer more than once, the present General Terms and Conditions will apply to all subsequent agreements, irrespective of whether or not same have been explicitly declared applicable.
2.5In the event that one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are null and void or are nullified, the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions will continue to apply.
Article 3 Offers/Orders/Prices
3.1All offers, of whatever form, will be free of obligation, unless a term for acceptance is stated in the offer.
3.2In the event that a natural person concludes an agreement on behalf or for the account of another natural person, he/she will be deemed to declare – by signing the order form/order – that he/she is authorised to do so. This person, in addition to the other natural person, will be jointly and severally liable for all obligations ensuing from the Agreement.
3.3Agreements to which the Seller is a party will not be deemed to have been concluded until the Seller has accepted in writing an order placed by the Buyer or until the actual delivery ex warehouse of the sold goods has been effected by the Seller to the Buyer.
3.4In the event of an oral agreement, the invoice will be deemed to contain a correct and complete representation of the agreement, unless a complaint is lodged within 8 days of the invoice date.
3.5Orders may be submitted by telephone, fax, email or ordinary post, by using the order form designated for that purpose.
3.6The prices stated in the offers/catalogues will apply to delivery ex warehouse, in euros, inclusive of Dutch VAT and other government levies, exclusive of shipping costs, freight charges, packaging costs and handling expenses, unless provisions to the contrary have been explicitly agreed upon.
3.7The Seller may pass on any price rises after two months, in the event that, between the time of the offer/acceptance and the delivery, a VAT increase or another statutory or cost-price increase has become applicable.
3.8The Seller may refuse an order or attach conditions to an order without stating its reasons.
Article 4 Delivery
4.1Delivery will be made ex Seller’s warehouse, unless the parties agree otherwise.
4.2The Seller will be entitled to charge the Buyer an advance. After payment of the advance has been effected, delivery will be made to the Buyer, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.
4.3The Buyer will be obliged to take delivery of the items at the time that the Seller delivers same to it or has same delivered to it by third parties, or at the time at which the items are made available to it pursuant to the agreement.
4.4In the event that the Buyer refuses to take delivery or fails to provide information or instructions necessary to effect the delivery, the Seller will be entitled to store the items at the Buyer’s expense and risk.
4.5In the event that delivery is effected C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery), the Seller will charge the Buyer C.O.D. charges.
4.6Delivery will always be effected at the Buyer’s delivery or home address as most recently communicated to the Seller by the Buyer.
4.7In the event that the Seller has stated a delivery period, same must be deemed to be an indication. A stated delivery time may therefore never be deemed to be a firm deadline. In the event that a term is exceeded, the Buyer must give the Seller written notice of default and grant it a reasonable period of time to comply as yet.
4.8In the event that the Seller requires information from the Buyer within the context of the agreement’s performance, the delivery period will commence after the Buyer has made such information available to the Seller.
4.9The Seller will be entitled to deliver the items in parts. The Seller will be entitled to invoice partial deliveries separately.
4.10On-call orders must be taken delivery of within the agreed periods of time, in default of which the Seller will be entitled to deliver the undelivered part of the order in one go and charge the Buyer any price increases.
4.11In the event that an item cannot be supplied, temporarily or permanently, the Buyer will receive notification of this fact from the Seller no later than one month after receipt of the order. In that event, the Buyer may cancel the order free of charge. In the event that the Buyer has already effected payment to the Seller for the item in question, the Buyer will be reimbursed that amount.
Article 5 Models/illustrations
5.1The models, illustrations, figures, measurements, weights or descriptions included in catalogues/offers/advertisements must be deemed to be a mere indication.
5.2In the event that the Buyer has been shown a prototype, that prototype must be assumed to have been shown as an indication only, unless it has been explicitly agreed that the good to be delivered will be completely identical.
5.3The prototypes sent by the Seller at the Buyer’s request cannot be returned. The Seller will charge the Buyer the full price of the prototypes according to their list price, unless provisions to the contrary have been agreed upon by the parties.
5.4The following situations will under no circumstances justify the lodging of a complaint:
-deviations in colour and measurements of less than 10%; or
-any typesetting or typographical errors in the catalogue or offer.
Article 6 Inspection, complaints
6.1The Buyer will be obliged to inspect the delivered items , or have others do so, at the time of delivery or transfer. In doing so, the Buyer must inspect whether the quality and quantity of the items delivered are in accordance with that which was agreed upon. Any defects and deviations must be stated on the consignment note/packing list, in default of which the items delivered will be deemed to be sound.
6.2Any visible shortfalls must be reported to the Seller in writing within four working days of delivery.
6.3In the event that a timely complaint is submitted pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Buyer will remain obliged to take delivery of and pay for the purchased items. In the event that the Buyer wishes to return defective items, this may only be done following written permission from the Seller. Return shipments must be effected carriage paid, undamaged and in the original packaging.
6.4In the event that a complaint is well-founded, the Seller will replace the delivered good, unless this has become demonstrably pointless to the Buyer by that time. If this is the case, the Buyer must let this be known by means of a written communication. The Seller will in all events only be liable within the limits of the provisions laid down in the Article ‘Liability’.
Article 7 Payment
7.1Payment must be made cash, by means of a direct debit mandate, prior to the invoice date by means of an advance, or within 14 days of the invoice date, in euros, in the manner indicated by the Seller. Objections to the amounts stated in the invoices will not suspend the payment obligation.
7.2In the event that payment is to be effected by means of a direct debit mandate and the amount cannot be debited due to a negative bank balance or a reverse entry is effected, the Seller will be entitled to charge the Buyer default interest.
7.3The Seller will be entitled, if so agreed, to charge the Buyer a 2% surcharge on late payments, which will not be payable if payment is effected within eight days of the invoice date.
7.4In the event that the Buyer fails to pay within the period of time agreed upon, the Buyer will be in default by operation of law. The Buyer will then owe 1.5 % in interest per month or part of a month, unless the statutory interest or the statutory commercial interest is higher, in which case the highest interest will apply. The interest with respect to the exigible amount will be calculated from the time that the Buyer is in default to the time of full payment.
7.5In the event that the Buyer is wound up, is declared bankrupt or files for bankruptcy, is admitted to statutory composition pursuant to the Dutch Natural Persons Composition Act [Wet schuldsanering natuurlijke personen], attachment is levied against it or it is granted a suspension of payments – provisional or otherwise –, the Seller’s claims vis-à-vis the Buyer will become exigible forthwith.
7.6Payments will first be used to cover the costs, then to cover any interest due and finally to cover the principal sum and the accrued interest.
Article 8 Collection costs
8.1In the event that the Buyer is in breach of contract or in default in performing its obligations in good time, all reasonable costs incurred in obtaining extra-judicial payment will be borne by the Buyer. The collection costs will be calculated in accordance with the collection rate recommended by the Dutch Bar Association [Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten] in collection cases, subject to a minimum of EUR 350.
8.2In the event that the Seller has incurred higher costs which were reasonably necessary, such costs will also qualify for reimbursement. Any reasonable court costs and enforcement costs will also be borne by the Buyer.
Article 9 Retention of title
9.1All items delivered by the Seller will remain the Seller’s property until the Buyer has fulfilled all its obligations ensuing from the agreements concluded with the Seller.
9.2The Buyer will not be entitled to pledge or rent or encumber in any other way the items covered by the retention of title.
9.3In the event that third parties levy attachment on the supplied items covered by the retention of title or wish to create or enforce rights with respect to same, the Buyer will be obliged to inform the Seller thereof as soon as possible.
9.4Any items supplied by the Seller that are covered by the retention of title pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article may only be sold on within the context of normal business operations and may never be used as a means of payment.
9.5Should Seller wish to exercise its rights of retention of title as laid down in this Article, the Buyer hereby grants unconditional and irrevocable permission to the Seller or any third parties to be designated by the Seller to enter those places where the Seller’s property is located and to recover those items.
Article 10 Suspension and dissolution
10.1The Seller will be entitled to suspend performance of its obligations or to dissolve the agreement in the following events:
-in the event that the Buyer fails to perform the obligations arising from the agreement or fails to perform them in good time or in full;
-in the event of circumstances of which the Seller has learned following the agreement’s conclusion that provide good reason for fearing that the Buyer will not perform its obligations, or will not perform such in good time or in full; in the event that there is good reason to fear that the Buyer will only perform its obligations in part or will not perform such properly, suspension will only be permitted to the extent that such is justified by the relevant failure; and
-in the event that the Buyer was requested to provide security upon the agreement’s conclusion for the performance of its obligations arising from same agreement and such security has not been provided or is insufficient. As soon as security has been provided, the right to suspend performance will lapse, unless the performance has been unreasonably delayed as a result.
10.2In addition, the Seller will be entitled to dissolve the agreement or have it dissolved if circumstances arise of such a nature that performance of the agreement is impossible or can no longer be required pursuant to standards of fairness and reasonableness, or if any other circumstances arise of such a nature that continued unamended maintenance of the agreement can no longer reasonably be expected.
10.3In the event that the agreement is dissolved, the Seller’s claims vis-à-vis the Buyer will become immediately due and payable. In the event that the Seller suspends performance of its obligations, it will retain its claim ensuing from the law and the agreement.
10.4The Seller will at all times retain the right to claim damages.
Article 11 Cancellation
11.1In the event that the Buyer wishes to cancel an agreement after same has been concluded with the User and before the Seller has effected delivery to the Buyer, the Buyer will be charged 10% of the order price agreed upon, including Dutch VAT, in cancellation costs, without prejudice to the Seller’s right to full damages, including loss of profit.
11.2Cancellation must be effected by registered letter.
11.3In the event that the Buyer has already paid the Seller the order price, the Buyer will be reimbursed the order price less 10%.
Article 12 Warranty
12.1The goods supplied by the Seller will be in accordance with the requirements and specifications set by Dutch law.
12.2This warranty will be limited to:
-manufacturing defects and will therefore not include any damage resulting from wear and improper, negligent or inexpert use;
-deliveries to buyers within the Netherlands;
-the warranty issued by the manufacturer; and
-the repair or replacement of the item.
12.3This warranty will lapse:
-in the event of resale of the delivered items, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise; and
-in the event that adaptations of, alterations of, or changes or repairs to the good supplied are effected by a third party.
12.4As long as the Buyer fails to perform its obligations arising from the agreements concluded between the parties, it cannot invoke this warranty provision.
Article 13 Liability
13.1In the event that the Seller is liable for direct damage, that liability will be limited to the amount paid out by its insurer, or in any event to the invoice amount, or in any event to that part of the invoice to which the liability pertains.
13.2The Seller will never be liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit, loss of savings or any damage due to an interruption of business operations.
13.3The Buyer shall indemnify the Seller against any claims of third parties that may incur damage in connection with the performance of the agreement and which is attributable to the Buyer.
13.4The limitations of liability with respect to direct damage laid down in these Terms and Conditions will not apply in the event that the damage is attributable to an intentional act or omission or gross negligence on the part of the Seller or its employees.
Article 14 Passing of risk
14.1The risk with respect to the loss of or damage to the items that are the subject of the agreement will pass to the Buyer at the point in time at which same products are legally and/or actually delivered to the Buyer and therefore come under the Buyer’s control or under the control of a third party designated by the Buyer.
14.2In the event that the Seller is to provide for the transport of the items that are the subject of the agreement, this will be fully at the Buyer’s expense and risk, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.
Article 15 Force majeure
15.1Either party will not be obliged to fulfil any obligation if it is prevented from doing so due to a circumstance which cannot be attributed to gross negligence or an intentional act or omission on its part, nor be for its account pursuant to the law, a juristic act or generally prevailing opinion.
15.2In these General Terms and Conditions, the term ‘force majeure’ must be understood to mean, in addition to its meaning in law and in case law, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, which the Seller cannot influence, but as a result of which the Seller is unable to perform its obligations. This will include strikes at the Seller’s company, postal strikes, traffic congestion, power failures and delays in the supply of goods by suppliers.
15.3The Seller will also be entitled to invoke force majeure if the circumstance preventing performance or further performance arises after the Seller should have performed its obligations.
15.4The parties may suspend the obligations ensuing from the agreement during the period that the force majeure continues. In the event that this period continues for more than two months, either party will be entitled to dissolve the agreement without being obliged to pay damages to the other party.
15.5To the extent that the Seller has partly performed its obligations arising from the agreement or is able to partly perform same at the time that the situation of force majeure first occurs, and that part performed or to be performed has independent value, the Seller will be entitled to invoice the part performed or to be performed separately. The Buyer will be obliged to pay that invoice as if it pertained to a separate agreement.
Article 16 Copyrights
16.1Without prejudice to the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, the Seller reserves the rights and powers vested in it pursuant to the Dutch Copyright Act [Auteurswet].
16.2All brochures, catalogues, documents and other materials or electronic or other files will remain the Seller’s property, irrespective of whether same have been made available to the Buyer or to third parties, unless provisions to the contrary have been agreed upon. Such items are exclusively intended for the Buyer’s use and may not be reproduced, made public or be brought to the notice of third parties without the Seller’s prior permission, unless the contrary ensues form the nature of the documents provided.
Article 17 Authentic version
The Dutch-language version of these Terms and Conditions must be deemed to be the only authentic version. In the event of any difference between the Dutch text and a translation, the Dutch text will prevail.
Article 18 Disputes
The court in the city or town where the Seller has its registered office will be competent to take cognisance of any disputes between the parties, to the exclusion of all other courts. Nevertheless, the Seller will be entitled to submit the dispute to the competent court according to the law.
Article 19 Applicable law
All agreements between the Seller and the Buyer will be governed by Dutch law. Applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is hereby explicitly excluded.
Article 20 Filing of these Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions have been filed at the office of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of The Hague (NL) 27196623.
Article 21 Right of Withdrawal
Deliverance of products:
After purchasing products the consumer has the possibility to disband the agreement without giving reasons during 14 days. The cooling off period starts on the day after the consumer receives the product or a pre-designated representative by the consumer made known to the entrepreneur.
During the cooling off period the consumer shall treat the product and the package carefully. He shall unpack or use the product only to that extent to as far as it is necessary to judge if he wishes to keep the product. If he does want to execute the right of withdrawal, he shall return the product with all accessories and -if reasonably possible- in the original conditioning and packaging to the entrepreneur, in accordance with the provided reasonable and clear instructions of the entrepreneur.
Deliverance of Services:
After the deliverance of services the consumer has the possibility to disband the agreement without giving reasons during at least 14 days, commencing on the day of the entering into the agreement.
In order to execute the right of withdrawal, the consumer must abide by the reasonable and clear instructions provided by the entrepreneur at the offer or finally at the deliverance of the service.
Article 22 Withdrawal Costs
If the consumer executes the right of withdrawal, he will have to pay no more than the costs of returning the product, If the consumer has made a payment, the entrepreneur shall pay back this amount as soon as possible but no later than within 14 days after the repeal or after the return shipment, if purchased via Creditcard/Paypal, or specific credit provider, Fees that apply will be deducted from total refunded amount.
Article 23 Exclusion Right of Withdrawal
The entrepreneur can exclude the right of withdrawal of the consumer for as far as foreseen in paragraph 2 and 3. The exclusion of the right of withdrawal applies only if the entrepreneur has clearly mentioned this at least in time before the conclusion of the agreement.
Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for the following products:
a.Which are established by the entrepreneur according to specifications of the consumer
b.That they are clearly personal in nature
c.Which cannot be returned because of their nature
d.That can spoil or age quickly
e.Whose price is bound to fluctuation on the financial market which the entrepreneur has no influence
f.Individual newspapers and magazines
g.For all products for which cannot be established that it concerns the original product that was delivered by <webshop>
h. If production has been mounted, used, tested, and has obvious marks of usage which makes the product unsellable as “new” .
B. Cancellation Form
If you would like to withdraw from the contract, please fill out this form and send it to: